Mercy Air White River (FAWV)

Position: S 29° 19’ 11”  E 030° 58’ 16”

Runway: 06/24 Grass. 550 x 20m. 2.4° (4.5% slope). Land 06 only. T/O 24 only.

Threshold Elev: 2920’

Radio: 130.35 Kruger Special Rules
119.20 Kruger (above 5500’)


  • Easterly winds create sink on short final.

  • Windsock at top of runway and on hangar roof.

  • Join overhead at 3500’ AMSL for LH downwind Rwy 06.

  • Rising ground - No go-around less than ¼ mile short final.

  • Obstacles in undershoot and to right of threshold 06.

  • Occasional wildlife on runway especially at dawn or dusk.

  • Occasional helicopter movements from helipad N of hangars

  • Paragliders flying at weekends (private)

Parking: Park on Grass, north of hangars. 

Services: Nil

Emergencies: No Fire & Rescue service on site.  CO² and powder extinguishers between hangars.

Operator: Mercy Air. Private AF. PNR. Contact office: 013 750 1221,                    

Email completed Airfield Indemnity Form in advance

Mercy Air is a Christian Humanitarian Non-Profit Organisation which does not charge a landing fee.  An optional donation towards our work is invited in lieu.