Visiting FAWV by Air
Mercy Air White River (FAWV)
Position: S 29° 19’ 11” E 030° 58’ 16”
Runway: 06/24 Grass. 550 x 20m. 2.4° (4.5% slope). Land 06 only. T/O 24 only.
Threshold Elev: 2920’
Radio: 130.35 Kruger Special Rules
119.20 Kruger (above 5500’)
Easterly winds create sink on short final.
Windsock at top of runway and on hangar roof.
Join overhead at 3500’ AMSL for LH downwind Rwy 06.
Rising ground - No go-around less than ¼ mile short final.
Obstacles in undershoot and to right of threshold 06.
Occasional wildlife on runway especially at dawn or dusk.
Occasional helicopter movements from helipad N of hangars
Paragliders flying at weekends (private)
Parking: Park on Grass, north of hangars.
Services: Nil
Emergencies: No Fire & Rescue service on site. CO² and powder extinguishers between hangars.
Operator: Mercy Air. Private AF. PNR. Contact office: 013 750 1221, flightops@mercyair.org
Email completed Airfield Indemnity Form in advance
Mercy Air is a Christian Humanitarian Non-Profit Organisation which does not charge a landing fee. An optional donation towards our work is invited in lieu.