It is through generous giving that we are able to reach those in isolated communities.

Donate from: South Africa

First National Bank Riverside Park Branch
10 White River Rd, Riverside Lifestyle Centre, Nelspruit 1200
Account No.: 542 811 56108, Branch Code: 256405(Cheque Account)
Swift Code: FIRNZAJJ, Account in name of: Mercy Air SA

Donate from: United States

For a tax deductible receipt,  checks may be made out to: Mercy Air Inc. and sent to: 
Mercy Air Inc., P.O. Box 2571, Holland, MI 49422-2571 U.S.A.

Important: please choose and write account number clearly on the check (or in remarks box in PayPal Online Donation):

General Account Numbers:
9740 Mercy Air general
9720 Flight subsidy
9795 Helicopter Outreach

Donate from: Switzerland

Stiftung Mercy Air Switzerland
Kronenstrasse 11, CH-8735 St.Gallenkappel

Post Finance Account No. (Kto.-Nr.) 82-555500-6
IBAN CH24 0900 0000 8524 1301 6

*Please email to let us know how you’d like us to allocate your donation

Donate from: Germany

Stauferstr. 38
D-71334 Waiblingen
IBAN: DE67 6025 0010 0015 1586 93
Kreissparkasse Waiblingen: BIC: SOLADES1WBN

*Please email to let us know how you’d like us to allocate your donation

Donate from: United Kingdom

The UK does not have a home office

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*Please email to let us know how you’d like us to allocate your donation