Cyclone ELOISE
Final Report
Update 26 February 2021
The effects of Cyclone Eloise continue to keep us busy providing food to those who have lost crops in the flooding.
Thank you to Crisis Response Network, Harvesters Ministries and Rise Against Hunger for your generous donations.

Update 30 January 2021
Cyclone Eloise has now exhausted its energy, but not before dumping 350 mm of rain on eSwatini (ex-Swaziland), a country that normally gets 250 mm over a whole year! Mercy Air is now assisting their national disaster management agency in assessing the impact (landslides, bridges and roads washed away, buildings trashed).
MAF continues to create amazing survey maps for us – thanks Jill!

Update 25 January 2021
Heavy rain first thing delayed our start by a couple of hours but we achieved our survey of the Rio Save to the south. There was some flooding but roofs were intact and there were no stranded people. The Mercy Air helicopter did a flight with our Dentist/Pastor partner from Beira and then took the Mozambican Prime Minister to Buzi to see the flooding first hand.
Tomorrow we plan to do a survey in the Zambezi delta region before we fly to a new base further south in the town of Vilancoulos.
The Government publishes a daily summary of its disaster response assets which lists one helicopter and 2 aeroplanes - all provided by Mercy Air (and partner ASAM).
Update 24 January 2021
Mercy Air has a team assisting the Mozambican government in assessing the damage caused by Cyclone Eloise which on Saturday 23rd January.
Our survey flights indicate that the destruction is relatively minor compared to Cyclone Idai two years ago, although the coastal town of Buzi has been flooded again. Our focus is now moving south as we follow the track of the cyclone towards the Limpopo region of South Africa.
Your prayers and support would be much appreciated during this busy and demanding time.
If you would like to partner with us financially, click on the Donate button below.